
Object oriented access to the LDAP tree using Zend_Ldap_Node

Basic CRUD operations

Retrieving data from the LDAP

Getting a node by its DN

Searching a node's subtree

Adding a new node to the LDAP

Deleting a node from the LDAP

Updating a node on the LDAP

Extended operations

Copy and move nodes in the LDAP

Tree traversal

Example #1 Traverse LDAP tree recursively

  1. $options = array(/* ... */);
  2. $ldap = new Zend_Ldap($options);
  3. $ldap->bind();
  4. $ri = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($ldap->getBaseNode(),
  5.                                     RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
  6. foreach ($ri as $rdn => $n) {
  7.     var_dump($n);
  8. }
